dijous, 19 de gener del 2017

Document final del projecte BeWater a la Tordera: Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan 2016

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The Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan is intended to address the main challenges that the Tordera basin has to face with regards to improvements of water body’s quantitative status, water quality, health of ecosystems and integrated water management.
Crucial actions to face the identified challenges within the Tordera river basin are:
    • The implementation of environmental flow regime is considered by all participants by far the most important action needed in the Tordera basin. This option, which addresses the challenge “water quantity”, would indeed provide an answer to the current the depletion of water bodies, allowing a certain quantity of water to be kept in the river for maintaining ecosystem functionality. Its implementation would trigger a whole set of improvements of different kinds, like recovering hydrologic connectivity between water bodies, correct sediment dynamics and improved water quality.
    • Creating a permanent participation centre is considered crucial to improve integrated water management of the Tordera Basin. Different issues are not being implemented, like the revision of current exploitation rates of water bodies, because of a lack of adequate procedures to take into account local socio-economic drivers into decision making and technical planning procedures.
    • Creating “Adaptive forest management agreements” reached the highest score of the whole Tordera set of water management options evaluation process, and answers to the challenge to improve current forest management in the basin. Until a certain degree, many actions of those included in this option are already implemented in the Montseny and Montnegre-Corredor natural parks: like thinning, clearing, eradication of alien species, erosion prevention and other specific interventions, like facilitating grazing. Nevertheless, these should be consolidated and expanded, making use of lessons learned.
    • To “Create an Integrated Plan for the Protection of the Tordera Delta (IPPTD)” is considered an important process to reach better resilience to global change in the basin, by improving the health of water and forest related ecosystems. An integrated planning process would also enhance the effectiveness of actions taken by combining sectorial approaches and assure engagement of all stakeholders in its design and development.
To assure the successful implementation of individual water management options or bundles of options, the development and execution of a monitoring plan including sound indicators is crucial. The plan presents some indications on synergies with existing monitoring schemes regarding the identification of suitable indicators for measuring the output.
Moreover, the implementation of the Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan or of key elements of it, requires strong political will, as the transition to more resilient societies implies to overcome rooted trade-offs and socio-economic inertia. Overall policy recommendations to facilitate this aim to address leverage points that could enhance the integration of adaptive principles in current normative, legal and political practices.
The following documents are available for download:

El presenta propostes de gestió de l'aigua de la conca de la Tordera, a el dimarts 17

El projecte BeWater s'ha dedicat a reunir-se amb tots els actors de les conques involucrades en el projecte per elaborar els plans de gestió

En els plans consten de reptes molt interrelacionats, que impliquen a molts actors de difererents sectors amb diferents visions

Els plans s'han intentat temporalitzar i valorar econòmicament, aquest últim punt s'ha quantificat en ordres de magnitud

L'administració disposa de molta informació de la conca del Tordera, en part gràcies a l'aplicació de directives europees

Diferents actuacions al llarg dels anys, com per exemple la construcció de l'AP7, han forçat a la Tordera a adaptar la seva morfologia

Conèixer en profunditat la conca serveix per determinar les zones de risc d'inundació, per exemple.

La pàgina web de l'ACA disposa de moltíssima informació relacionada amb les masses d'aigua de Catalunya, actualitzada regularment

La conca de la Tordera té força continuïtat perquè hi ha relativament poques concessions al llarg del seu traçat

Moltes mesures del pla de gestió tenen correspondència amb les propostes del procés BeWater

Xerrada del projecte a sobre el programa mesures a la Tordera

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